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How far can you move the needle on bullying prevention?

Posted by GuardChild Comments Off on How far can you move the needle on bullying prevention?

Measuring prevention of bullying can be difficult. Over time, we can see if the number of incidents is decreasing, but determining if prevention efforts are working along the way remains a challenge. Recently, a team of bullying and violence prevention experts came together to figure out how best to measure change. After an exhaustive review of research, the Assessing Prevention and Implementing Change resource was developed by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). It contains two main tools developed for state health departments: the Bullying Prevention Capacity Assessment, and the Bullying Prevention Change Package and Driver Diagram. Schools, daycare providers, summer camp programs, youth sports, and other clubs and venues where youth convene can also use them to find meaningful strategies to promote empathy, civility, and inclusion to prevent bullying. Here is how the resources work. Read more…5

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