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Your Kids and Cell Phones, Goo…

Posted by GuardChild Comments Off on Your Kids and Cell Phones, Goo…

Your Kids and Cell Phones, Good Call? Experts say there is no perfect age for a child to have a cell phone. Each household is different and circumstances vary. Instead, some say it’s up to the parents to decide if putting the electronic device in their hands is a good call.

We spoke with several parents and children and each person had a different idea of the perfect age. One thing they all agreed on was that the first phone should be basic, primarily used for calling parents and keeping in touch.

Experts say there are some things you need to do to keep your child safe. First, make sure you explain the dangers of cell phones and not giving out private information verbally or through cell phone text messages and internet access. Secondly, they suggest you invest in a cheaper phone since theft of cell phones have become common.
Lastly, they say you as the parent should lead by example. read more

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